Project Description

Be a Patron of an annual award to be assigned to non-EU foreign citizens in Italy

Proposal Description

The purpose regards the establishment of an annual award, entitled to the patron, to be assigned, for two years, to foreign citizens in Italy (of the same nationality of the patron) who have been particularly excelling in their activity field.

In particular, the award will be assigned, every year, to successful foreign citizens in five specific fields (entrepreneurship, study, arts, science and social activities) and will consist not only in a plaque of honour but especially in a consistent cash price, so as to let such successful foreign citizens to empower the realization of their talents (concerning study, for example, it would be a scholarship to enable students to continue their formative path in excelling Schools and Universities, even abroad; concerning science, a cash price enabling the winner in perfecting his competences within Institutes or high level research contexts; concerning entrepreneurship, a price enabling the winner to extend and strengthen his activity, eventually even abroad, and so on).

The organization of the award will be taken in charge by an Italian excellent and well known Centre of Studies and Researches, that has been specifically working on international migrations and migrants’ integration issues for 15 years in Italy. This Centre usually keeps in contact with all the immigrants’ associations which work in Italy and, using a large network of stakeholders all over the Italian country, usually realizes information and cultural campaigns, whose events are attended by hundreds of people.

This Centre would involve in all the preparing activities (advertising of the award, invitation to tender, selection of participants, establishment of a prestigious jury, award assignment etc.) the two most important immigrants’ associations in Italy, eventually referring to the nationality of the patron, while at the Award assignment ceremony it will invite all the immigrants’ associations representatives, the immigrants’ community leaders and the foreign citizens in Italy who could be reached.

At the ceremony, that will be realised within a prestigious location in Rome, will be also invited the ambassador and the most important diplomatic authorities of the country the patron belongs to in Italy, the Italian government and parliament representatives, the mayor of Rome and the other important political and religious authorities of the town.

The widest visibility will be ensured both before the award assignment, through a massive advertising campaign on the award and on its entitling person, to be conducted by using all the most important means of communication (press, web, radio, tv), even through periodical press releases and conferences all over Italy, and also when the assignment ceremony will take place, by inviting all the main Italian and foreign press, television and radio operators.

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Project Details

Cat: Immigration Integration Policies
ID: D3-001

Amount: EUR 1,000,000